
9Marks.logo_.LFiel Ministries is committed to the principle that the Scriptures clearly give instruction for the Biblical model of the church. Like Fiel Ministries, 9Marks desires to equip the church in such a way that encourages them to display the glory of God. 9Marks has identified nine biblical elements that are essential for a healthy church that glorifies God.

These nine marks are: (1) Expositional Preaching. (2) Biblical Theology. (3) A Biblical Understanding of the Good News. (4) A Biblical Understanding of Conversion. (5) A Biblical Understanding of Evangelism. (6) Biblical Church Membership. (7) Biblical Church Discipline. (8) Biblical Discipleship and Growth. (9) Biblical Church Leadership.

Through our partnerhisp with 9Marks, God has enabled us to encourage the Portuguese-speaking church to look at the Bible and apply what the Scriptures say to their lives and their churches. Our first Fiel Leadership Course was in partnership with 9Marks and explored the above nine marks of a healthy church. We have also translated a number of books with 9Marks including:

  • Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
  • The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love
  • Does God Desire for All to Be Saved?
  • The Gospel and Personal Evangelism
  • What is a Healthy Church?
  • What is the Gospel?
  • ... and more!